What Annoys Audiences About PowerPoint Presentations?

When you prepare to deliver your next PowerPoint presentation, your audience should be first on your list of considerations. Unfortunately, too many presenters annoy their audiences. An online survey of 688 people who regularly see PowerPoint presentations revealed the following top annoyances (item and what percentage of the respondents cited that item as one of their top three annoyances):
- The speaker read the slides to us... 62.0%
- Text so small I couldn't read it... 46.9%
- Slides hard to see because of color choice... 42.6%
- Full sentences instead of bullet points... 39.1%
- Moving/flying text or graphics... 24.8%
- Overly complex diagrams or charts... 22.2%
Read the rest of this interesting article by clicking here.
Dave Paradi’s Think Outside the Slide™ approach helps presenters get results by showing them how to quickly create effective PowerPoint presentations. He is the co-author of “Guide to PowerPoint”, part of the Prentice Hall Series in Advanced Business Communication. He offers a free PowerPoint e-course, newsletter and articles on his web site at www.ThinkOutsideTheSlide.com.
©2005 Dave Paradi