Friday, August 26, 2005

Head on Over to the General Session, There's Plenty of Parking and the Water is Fine!

I’ve been reading a really great book by Tim Sanders. It’s called the Likeability Factor ( In it, Tim talks about how people who are well-liked generally fare better in life. Not exactly rocket science, but Tim does go into a fair amount of detail deconstructing key personality traits of the well-liked individual and actually gives you tips on how to boost your own “L” factor. I’ve been thinking about different ways the “L” factor makes its mark in the world of corporate events.

This summer, my family and I have been frequenting a State Park in the NH Lakes Region. There is a woman who works at the park, (for the purposes of this post, we’ll call her Margaret) who clearly possesses a high “L” factor. Even on the busiest of weekend days you can always count on a cheerful greeting, the current water temperature and an update on the parking situation from Margaret. She’s so genuinely nice that even our six-year old daughter looks forward to seeing her well in advance of our arrival at the park. In short, Margaret makes the uneventful act of pulling into a state park a pleasant experience for my family.

What kind of difference would it make if you had a team of Margaret’s staffing the registration desk at your next corporate event?


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